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Требования к гимнастическим предметам

Светлана: Требования к мячу: Material Rubber or plastic. Diameter 18 cm to 20 cm. Weight At least 400 gr. Color Free to choose. Balls with figurative drawings will not be accepted; only geometric drawings are allowed. Gold and silver are allowed since 1997. Handling The ball is the only apparatus for which no grip is allowed. This means that a more sensuous relationship between the body and the apparatus is required. The ball moves in perfect harmony with the body. Spectacular throws with control and precision in the catches are dynamic elements.

Ответов - 4

Светлана: Требования к ленте: Stick Material Wood, plastic or fibreglass. Diameter Maximum 1 cm. Length 50 cm to 60 cm including attachment-ring. Form Cylindrical, conical or a combination of the two forms. The lower end can be wrapped on a length of at most 10 cm with an adhesive tape or non-slip material. Color Free to choose. Gold and silver are allowed since 1997. Ribbon Material Satin or a non-starched derivative. Width 4 cm to 6 cm. Length At least 6.00 m; this part must consist of one piece. The end with which the ribbon is fastened to the staff can be doubled on a length of 1 m. A very thin strengthening of maximum 5 cm can be shoved at the upper end between the two ribbon parts. Weight At least 35 g (without stick and attachment). Color Free to choose, one or more different colors. Gold and silver are nallowed since 1997. Attachment Material Every suitable material. Länge Maximum 7 cm (without attachment-ring at the upper end of the stick). Handling The ribbon is long and light and may be thrown in all directions. Its function is to create designs in space. Its flights through the air make images and shapes of every kind. Figures of many different sizes are executed at varying rhythms. Snakes, spirals and throws are the essentials of the ribbon's flight.

Светлана: Требования к булавам Material Wood or plastic Length 40 cm to 50 cm from one end to the other. Weight At least 150 gr per club. Diameter of the head Maximum 3 cm. Form Bottle-like, consisting of three parts: Body (bulbous part), neck (slim part) and head (spherical part). The three parts can be wrapped with an adhesive tape or a non-slip material with the condition that the diameter of the head is not more than 3 cm. Color Free to chose, one or more different colors. Both clubs can have different colors. Gold and silver are allowed since 1997. Handling The gymnast uses the clubs to execute mills, rolls, twists, throws and as many asymetric figures as possible, combining them with the many figures featured in non-apparatus gymnastics. Exercises with the clubs require a highly developed sense of rhythm, maximum psychomotor coordination and precision up to watchmaking standards. The clubs are particulary suited to ambidextrous gymnasts.

Светлана: Требования к обручу Material Wood or plastic (it must be rigid, of non-bending material). Diameter 80 cm to 90 cm at the inside. Weight At least 300 gr. Form Different profiles (round, square, rectangular, oval etc.) The hoop can be smooth or rough. It can be wrapped (whole or partial) with one same- or different-colored adhesive tape. Color Free to chose, one or more different colors. Gold and silver are allowed since 1997. Handling The hoop defines a space. This space is used to the utmost by the gymnast, who moves within the circle formed. Handling the hoop requires frequent changes of the grip, and the main requirement is good movement coordination. The shape of the hoop favours rolls, passages, rotations and walkovers.

Светлана: Требования к скакалке Material Hemp or any synthetic material. Length Proportionate to the height of the gymnast. Ends It has knots rather than handles at its ends. The ends (no other parts of the rope) may be wrapped on a length of 10 cm with a colored or neutral non-slip material. Form Everywhere the same diameter or thicker in the middle. Color Free to choose. Gold and silver are allowed since 1997. Handling The technical figures may be made with the rope either taut or loose, with one or both hands, with or without change of hand. The relationchip between the apparatus and the gymnast is more explosive than in the other cases. The rope often appears as a serpent-like attacker seizing and winding around the gymnast. But suppleness and agility, tinged with elegance, always win out in the end.

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